The Curiosity Super Power

Choosing a career, like becoming an engineer or pretty much anything else, isn’t like knowing all the answers on a quiz show. It’s more like being confident you can figure out a Rubik’s Cube, even if it seems twisted up in knots right now. We’re not born knowing how to solve these puzzles, but we’re great at learning, and we can figure out the right questions to ask. That’s our secret weapon.

This superhero ability isn’t just for grand career decisions, it’s for the small stuff too. Like heading into a meeting where you know less about the topic than about quantum physics. But hey, with your power of questions and thirst for learning, you’re going to crack that code and ace the meeting!

So, whether you’re deciding on a career or just trying to get through a Tuesday morning meeting, remember your superpowers: curiosity and learning. Keep asking the right questions and keep untangling those knots! Life’s a puzzle, but you’ve got the skills to solve it.

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